Customized questions on Needs

It would be beneficial to have the ability to customize both the automated response to a need as well as have the ability to add customized questions to a need. Unfortunately, the workaround using Initiatives doesn't work for us as we are using it for our campus designation. 

We are a church and working with multiple ministries on 4 campuses, in addition, each campus works with ministries and organizations out in the community as well. Having the ability to do the above would be a fantastic benefit for us. 

8 people like this idea

This would be a huge benefit to us as well. And in addition it would be great to have the same ability to add customized questions to agency records as well. And ideally to have the ability to add custom fields to both needs and agencies that could be either admin view only - like comments is now - or questions that agencies would see and be able to respond to as Tammi describes in this post. Thanks!


This would be an incredible help for what my organization is using Galaxy for! Game changer! 

Thanks, everyone, for adding your comments. We will be bringing this topic up for discussion in an enhancement meeting soon.


I know this continues to be a popular request. Currently our agencies are having to contact volunteers to complete an additional form via Google or other system. Any updates on collecting responses to customized questions for specific needs?

Hi Brian, 

Can you provide me a little more information about your use case? Why do the customized response questions in the initiatives feature not work for your agencies? What kind of information are the agencies requesting outside of the software? The more details the better! 




I'd also like to add that we would benefit from this too.  I would also benefit SO MUCH if we had the ability to... 

1) add custom questions to a need 

2) have the custom questions and their responses be included in the automated need response notification that goes to the agency manager and any additional recipients added in the opportunity. 

The way that we are organizing and using the product, we have a specific volunteer supervisor who does not use the system, but needs to know the answers to the custom questions.  If he becomes an agency manager, he would receive communication about volunteer responses that don't have any thing to do with him.  Having the need response notification go to him and include the volunteer's responses to custom questions would help resolve this problem. 

Thank you! 

Hi, Stacy,

Thanks for adding your voice here and providing some additional context! I want to definitely pass this on to our enhancements team. Below is how I will summarize your request:

"A site manager would have the opportunity to add custom questions to a need and then the responses to those custom questions would be sent to the agency manager in the need response notification." Please let me know if I missed the mark.

Customer Experience

Hi Maia, 

To me it would be better if there was a way for the info to ALSO be sent to any "additional recipients."   Basically whoever would receive an email that was a "notification of need response."   

Thank you! 


Hi, Stacy,

Thanks for that clarification. "A site manager would have the opportunity to add custom questions to a need and then the responses to those custom questions would be sent to any agency contacts, including additional recipients, in the need response notification."

I hope you're having a great week!

Customer Experience

Adding in my support for custom questions for each need, not just system-wide. That we be a huge benefit to our partners and a bit easier than adding qualifications as I do now for a workaround.


Hi, Amelea,

Thanks for adding your support here! I'll make sure to notate this for our enhancements team.

Maia Price
Galaxy Digital CX

If there has been no development on this request, can you please describe in detail what the difference is between Initiative questions and Need questions?  If there is no difference why give them separate titles? 

Hi Kristina,

This is a really good question, would you be up for me creating a live ticket with you on this topic so we could explore the differences between initiative questions, need response questions, and hours questions in our software?

Just let me know if you would like to dive into this a bit more, and I would be more than happy to collaborate with you on this. We definitely have some great resources on both of these topics and I would love to help out in any way that I can!

Thanks, Kristina!

I see multiple pieces to this request from my angle:

  • Allowing program managers to ask their own custom questions for their opportunities would be great and empowering to the program managers.
  • Allowing a program manager to see parts of a volunteer's profile would allow us to gather information only once at registration or part of their profile so the program manager doesn't ask questions that "we should already know" (ex. - shirt size, accessibility, etc.)

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