Volunteer Snapshot Volunteer Hours should display Total Approved Hours ONLY

The dashboard allows volunteers to see their volunteer hours in a snapshot. This snapshot total is approved and pending hours, not denied hours. If students are trying to determine if they have completed hours without having to click onto another screen, Total hours displayed provides a better picture of their completed hours as completed means that they have also been approved by the agency supervisor.

Hi Calleen, 

Yes, that's it precisely! I'll go ahead and write up the idea so it's documented. We always strive to find solutions that meet all client's needs and we have some client's that want that page to show any logged hours that have not been declined. If we go with the idea I suggested, it's meets everyone's needs that we are aware of. 

Thanks for posting!


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Hi Calleen,

Thanks for posting! Would changing the display to show completed and pending hours meet your need? I'll be happy to document your idea for the development team. 

Happy Friday,


So, are you suggesting that on the dashboard, we would not see a single large number, but two numbers - one for approved hours and one for pending hours?

That might work. We just don't want our students (since the hours are required) to think that they have completed their requirement with a number that shows hours that are not approved.

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