The option for volunteers to view who is on their shift

Prior to our switch to Community Connect our volunteer community, especially those in our primary recurring roles, had gotten very used to the ability to see who else was signed up on their shift (we were using before for many opportunities). We also run a volunteer leadership program for some of our positions, and the leaders in those roles particularly want to know who is coming on their shift each week so they can welcome and support the volunteers effectively by knowing if they are regulars, first timers, etc before they arrive, and welcoming them personally so they know they're in a friendly space that is invested in knowing them individually. All volunteers at least want to know how many of the spots on a shift are filled so they know how much of the workload will be shared with others, but also like knowing if their friends or volunteers they are used to and enjoy working alongside will be at a shift with them.

Some ideas:

  • Give volunteers the option to display their name or not (to honor privacy wishes), or the option for just a first name and last initial to show. No other personal or contact information available at all, just a name to better connect with someone and foster community and culture in our volunteer spaces. Only users who are logged in can see any names opted in for display. Volunteers who do not opt in just show up in the count of shifts filled as they do now.
  • Allow the functionality for users to create "friends lists" of fellow volunteers who are allowed to see if/when they are signed up.

4 people like this idea

Is there a way to allow volunteers to opt-in to having their names appear on the opportunity list for the day that would be available to other volunteers who responded to the same opportunity. The volunteers would like to see who they will be working with before they arrive.  Similar to what the manager view on the response tab of the schedule.

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We have a group of regular volunteer who would like to be able to see who else is coming on the day they sign up for. The volunteers are in a user group. We would like anyone in the user group to be able to see who else is signed up for the day.

Hi Rehana,

Thank you so much for taking the time to add your request to this thread. I will be sure to update the current suggestion to be reviewed by our team. The current suggestion will be updated to include: "the ability for User Group members to view other User Group member responses to Opportunities for each day". Please let me know if I missed anything! Thanks, Olivia. 

Hi Marisa,

Good morning!

Thanks for taking the time to post in our form. I've gone ahead and added your suggestion to internal board to share with our development team since we don't currently have this functionality in our software.

Thanks again Marisa!

Hi Jaclyn, 

Thank you for adding to our forum! Although we have not considered showing volunteer names in the past for privacy reasons, I can see how this would be beneficial for leaders and volunteers alike. I wanted to re-state your suggestions to make sure I got them right for the development team: 

  • Allow volunteers to opt-in to having their names appear on a list that would be available to other volunteers who responded to the same opportunity. 
  • Allow volunteers to create a list of fellow users who can see each other's volunteer schedules. 
  • Allow volunteers to see who certain information about the other volunteers who signed up for the same opportunity, like their level of experience. 

For the suggestion that volunteers could see how many other volunteers will be joining them at an opportunity they signed up for, volunteers can see how many spots are left for shifted opportunities. Here is a screenshot on our test site showing a volunteer's view of a shifted opportunity: 

Please let me know if I was able to sum up your suggestions correctly. Thank you again for sharing your point of view! 



Thank you, Autumn. I think the bullet points you've provided sum up the feedback from our community, and some of the options I think could make it possible for the site to provide more information to a closer-knit volunteer community without violating privacy. 

You're very welcome! I will pass this information along to our development team to be considered for enhancements. 

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