Volunteer Survey Email

As of right now there is no option to autogenerate a survey email notification to volunteers after they have completed an opportunity. There is a survey email notification but this is sent within 72 hours of a volunteer responding to a need-not after completing an opportunity. I don't really see the point of this, and it is frustrating because we want feedback from our volunteers after they complete an opportunity. There is an email notification that is sent after an opportunity thanking volunteers, but it is not survey related. It is possible to embed the survey into this email, but we simply want to thank them. 

I'm requesting a specific email notification (or an adjustment to the existing survey email) to be sent to volunteers a day or week after they COMPLETE an opportunity.



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Hi Hank, thanks for reaching out. 

I definitely see your point here, volunteers probably won't have the answers to questions about the need until after they have actually worked at it. I will add the request for a separate survey-related notification that goes out after the need is over to our enhancements board and be sure to bring it up pin our next meeting. 

In the meantime, I would suggest using the Notify Users Week After Need Happens On notification that you mentioned and insert a link to your survey in it. This way, your volunteers will receive a notification with the survey in it after needs that happened on a specific date. 

I hope this workaround works for you, please let me know if you have any questions!

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