Adding duration dates to Esign waivers/Qualifications

Hi folks!

It would be smashing if we were able to put custom duration dates for the E-sign waivers! We have waivers that need to expire by the end of an academic school semester but the current expiration increments don't follow our time limit. Is there any way this feature could be created?

Thank you all for what you do!

5 people like this idea

Hi Kelsey and good morning,, 

I hope you’re doing well, and thank you for adding your suggestion. Great news! You are able to set a non-waiver qualification’s expiration date to be a “User-Provided Date” thus allowing the individual who edited the qualification to provide a custom date:


This is a great option if you know that members of your staff will be the ones adding or reviewing qualifications on behalf of users since it will allow them to set a custom expiration date for the qualification. Would this fit your needs? Please let me know if I’m misunderstanding your end goal, and I’ll be happy to share your true suggestion with our team.

Lastly, if the option above would fit your needs, and you have any questions on the user-provided date qualification duration type, please reach out to, and one of our agents will be happy to guide you through the option!

Cirũ Franklin

Galaxy Digital Customer Experience

Data Specialist

Pronouns: She, her, hers

I would really like a custom expiration date added to the qualifications. Our training expiration dates depend on the date they complete training which may or may not align with the exact day that the program managers update the qualifications.

Hi Justin, 

Thank you for adding your voice to the chorus! I will make a note of your additional request to allow Site Managers to add a custom expiration date to the Qualification Duration field. I appreciate your feedback! 

Thank you and I hope you are having a great Friday!


This would be amazing to add an automatic end date at the site manager level!!! As an educational institution, many of our qualifications would expire on June 30 no matter when the qualification is fulfilled. Even allowing the site manager to define the "first of the year" or allowing the site manager to define an expiration date instead of the volunteer defining that date.

Good morning Amanda,

I hope you had a great Christmas break!

I wanted to reach out this morning to connect with you and let you know that I am going to create a new ticket for us where we can explore the user-provided duration option in our software further.

Look forward to a message from me in your inbox!

Thanks, Amanda!

Thank you for providing these updates. How does the User-provided date duration option work? 

Hi Tina, 

Thank you for reaching out! Although we do not have a custom duration option for Qualifications, we have expanded the durations field to include more options! Here is an updated list of the Durations for Qualifications: 


Some notable changes are the "First of the year" option, which will cause the Qualification to expire on January 1st each year. 

I will add your support for the custom duration for Qualifications, I just wanted to make sure you were updated about the changes! 

Thank you,


Are there plans to allow custom durations on qualifications?

Hi Mary,

Thank so much for sharing your use case for a custom duration type on an eSign Waiver. I am going to share your feedback to our development team so they can take a look at this request. Reach out to our Customer Care Team if you have any other questions. Have a wonderful weekend!



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