Daily digest template

Volunteers have told us that they find the number of daily postings a little overwhelming. It would great to have a daily digest template (maybe similar to the volunteer weekly digest) that includes links to all the opportunities posted in a day.So instead of volunteers receiving a number of notifications in a day they'll receive one email with a list of opportunity links that they can click on and respond to the opportunity of their choice. The template would need to be set up so that it automatically picks up all opportunities posted on a daily basis through our site (including partner agency posting). And it would be automatically generated each day.  

1 Comment

Hi Cindy, 

Thank you for this suggestion! I will absolutely add this to our Enhancements Board for our developers to review. 

While I have you, I wanted to mention our "Volunteer Weekly Digest" Automated Notification. This Notification goes out once a week to volunteers and includes new Opportunities and events that may interest them, based on their Interests and fanned Agencies. This might help volunteers who are feeling overwhelmed by the new content! You can read more about that notification here

Thank you, and I hope you have a great rest of your day!


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