Map Distance Filter

Hi all,

Is there any way for the admin to adjust the distances available in the map distance filter? 

If not, would it be possible to add a "1 mile" option? In a heavily urban area like ours, the 5 mile radius reaches almost all of the opportunities we have and doesn't help filter. 

I suggested to the user they can use the "Is In" function, and I think one more delineation would be useful.



Hi, Cody,

Thanks for reaching out! As a refresher, this forum is most effective when used to share product feature improvements. To best address any questions you may have regarding the functionality of the software, we encourage you to first route these questions through From there, we can determine how to approach next steps. With this in mind, I will add a suggestion to our backlog for the following:

"As an organization whose serves a heavily urban area where all opportunities may be within 5 miles, I want volunteers to be able to filter for opportunities less than 5 miles away, so that the filter allows volunteers to find opportunities in their neighborhood." 

If you still have additional questions about filter functionality, please reach out to support - we're happy to help!

All the best,

Thanks Caitlin!

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