Registration for one team

In light of COVID-19 we are able to soft open our center for teams to come in a help us prepare food packs for kids-one team at a time.  Currently, when you choose teams only, each member of the team is registered taking up a slot.  

I would like to see the opportunity for a team leader to register her team, and then the opportunity will close.  Right now we have to constantly monitor to close the opportunity once a team has registered to ensure other teams do not try to sign up.

This is exactly what I am looking for!  

Thank you,


Hi Caitlyn, 

I hope you are safe and sound! Because this is a request for a change to the software, I'm going to move it over to our product suggestion forum. This will make sure it gets considered with the other requests for changes to the software. 

I want to make sure I've got your request fully fleshed out so I can document it for the Development team to consider. You would like the ability to set the number of teams, for instance, 2 teams maximum, capacity is up to 100 people, so that if I registered with a team of 2 and you registered with a team of 20, the need would show as full because two teams had registered. Does that describe the change to the software that you are looking for? 



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