Editing Sub-Text on Registration Page

I would like to see a way to edit “sub-text” (I think is what it’s called…) So that the email line reads “Email firstname.lastname@college.edu (Required)” rather than just “Email (Required)”? Or at least be able to put on the sign up page that students must register using this type of email domain. We run into an issue because although we have it set up in the user registration that only @college.edu email addresses can sign up, students can access their email on campus by using BOTH their firstname.lastname@college.edu and their studentID@college.edu (through Outlook) but in the initial import we used the firstname.lastname so we need to make sure they are using this address so that accounts are not duplicated. Picture example below:


Hi Alyssa, thanks for reaching out!

I can definitely see why you would want to be more specific with your instructions on the registration page. I think a way to solve this that might help with other similar use cases would be to add a field that would allow you to provide more instructions for users who are registering for the first time, where you could enter something like 'Please use firstname.lastname@college.edu', as well as any instructions that are related to the other registration fields at the top of the form. 

I will make sure that this request gets documented, and that we review this in our next enhancement meeting!

Hello! Has there been any advances to this issue? We have students (mostly high school) using their school issued email address which we cannot use to send notifications too, especially in regards to upcoming volunteer shifts that they are registered for.  We get the following bounce message "{"bounceType":"Transient","bounceSubType":"General","message":"smtp; 550 Rule imposed mailbox access for av3234@k12.sd.us refused: user invalid"}". When checking in with our school district regarding this message, the response is, "They would need to use a non-k12.sd.us email address.  Our email is done through the State and I believe that is the required setting." Our volunteers are in South Dakota. 

Thank you!

Hi Jennifer, thanks for reaching out! I am going to convert your question to a ticket, because my recommendation for this is a bit more involved than adding help text to the registration page, and I may have to send you some specific DNS records to help. 

If anyone else who is viewing this forum post has issues with email delivery in the future, I would recommend looking at our help center article on Email Statuses and what to do about them, and reach out to support@galaxydigital.com if you need additional help!

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