GPS Coordinates for Address Field

Hello--First off, I love how responsive Galaxy is on product enhancements. I really feel like you're using the software right alongside us and prioritizing the most useful additions.

I would like to use GPS coordinates for opportunity addresses. One of our city departments manages the adopt-a-trail program, and these trails often do not have mailing addresses. The best way to navigate to them is through GPS coordinates for the trailheads. We love using the GPS function to show users what is available in their neighborhoods, and there are trailheads right in some folks' back yards.

It is also a nice shortcut for extreme specificity. No one likes looking around for their meeting spot. 

Hi Nicholas, thanks for reaching out, I'm happy to hear that you're pleased with our enhancement process!

I can definitely see how this would be useful, especially for outdoor cleanup or trail maintenance needs. We have heard similar requests before, and we appreciate you adding your support for this enhancement. I will make sure to bring this up again in our next enhancement meeting. 

Thanks for all you do!

Any progress on these improvements, Eli?

Hi Nick,

Thanks for following up here! At this time, I don't have any updates regarding this suggestion, but I will be sure to bring this back up with the team at our next enhancements meeting. 

All the best,


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