Anonymous Hours

Noticed that a Site Manager can add the number of Users Who Participated in Anonymous Hours, but an Agency Manager cannot. Is it a possibility for AM's to have this field too?  It will help with more accurate reporting of numbers and hours if they were able to do this; otherwise, they would have to add anonymous hours one person at a time to have it count in reports. 

Hi Nancy, 

Thank you for adding your suggestion! I am happy to include your suggestion to give Agency Managers the ability to add Anonymous Hours to their Needs to the enhancement board for our development team to review. 

Thank you!


Thank you!

Hi Nancy, 

I hope you are well! I wanted to reach back out to let you know that I was mistaken about this request. Agency Managers do have the ability to adding Anonymous Hours if Site Managers give them this ability. You can do this by going to Settings > Main Settings and clicking Allow Anonymous Hours. 

This will allow Agencies to add Anonymous Hours. 

I apologize for the mistake in my initial response. I hope you have a great rest of your day and a wonderful weekend!


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