
'Duplicate Hours Popup' Change


The latest update to have a 'Duplicate Hours Popup' is causing some issues on-site for us.  We use a private 'Ongoing Opportunity' for our resale store volunteers to log their hours when they come and go, and the Duplicate Hours Popup is popping up every time a volunteer uses the kiosk to check in.  Our Store volunteers join us on-site every single day, so this is a nuisance to them!

It would be helpful to have the option to turn this popup on/off based on our individual needs as an organization.  Or, there should be some other option for ongoing shifts that would NOT prompt the popup.

We can't change our opportunity to any other type - the 'ongoing' type has been working great, and everyone just got used to it. 

Thank you!

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It is confusing our interns as well. They use the manual logging hours feature the most - and I get a lot of questions and interns who think they're doing it wrong. It would be great if there was an option to choose to enable or disable the pop-up. Or, if that is not possible, even adding some text to the pop-up that said "Note: this popup may be occurring because you are replying multiple times to an ongoing event". I'm sure it can be said more eloquently, but my point is that something that told the users why this pop-up was occurring would be useful as well. Not as ideal as having an enable/disable feature on the back-end, but better than nothing.

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Hi everyone,

I'm revisiting this post to send over some good news and an update on this request!

Development has pushed an update this week to help with this situation. Now, the Duplicate Hours pop-up warning will only appear for Runs Until or Ongoing needs/opportunities if the hours being logged are an "exact" duplicate. This means that, if a volunteer logs an additional hour entry on a date they already logged hours for, they will receive this pop up. Otherwise, folks submitting multiple hours entries to these types of needs will not be alerted.

We hope this improves your user's experience when submitting hours moving forward! 



CX Specialist


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Our Ongoing Volunteers are also deterred by the "Duplicate Entry Warning" Pop up when trying to add hours. We communicate to our ongoing volunteers to ignore the pop up, but they still reach out to us to resolve the issue. This takes time away from more important tasks. On top of that, there have been cases of volunteers not recording their hours because of the pop up. We're working on changing the communication, but we would appreciate some solutions on your end. 


1) Is there a way to remove the pop up for specifically Ongoing volunteers? Or volunteers that are not associated with a specific date and time? The date throws off many of our ongoing volunteers as their opportunity is not associated with a date. 

2) I like Melissa Montoya's suggestion to change the language of the pop up. Is there a concise way to explain the pop up, or say 
please continue if you are an ongoing volunteer not associated with a specific shift."? 

3) Additionally, I like the ability for a site manager to remove the pop up all together, as suggested previously. 

Please let us know if there's any progress on this issue. 


Seth Anderson 

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I agree - many of our volunteers also complain about this and don't understand why it pops up every time they enter hours for their weekly ongoing volunteer role  - if deterring volunteers from entering duplicate hours is the goal - would you be able to have the pop up show up only once the 'Hour Details' have been entered instead of after the 'Select Response' portion as been entered.

This way a pop up will only show up if the volunteer has truly added duplicate hours - for example we have weekly volunteers.  If John enters hours for October 4th and then the following week goes to enter his hours for October 11th he does not get a pop up.  But if John forgot he already entered his hours for October 4th when he enters the information for 'Hour Details' he will get a pop up saying he already entered hours for that date.



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Hi Nicholas, thanks for writing in! 

We have heard lots of feedback about the hours popup since its release, and to make sure that volunteers don't get the popup every time they add hours, we have added an option to disable the warning for 24 hours. This way, if someone is filling out a time sheet for several different dates for an ongoing opportunity, they won't see the popup for each hours entry. Thanks for your feedback, and have a great day!

Hi Seth and Bri, 

Good morning! Thank you for adding your voice to this suggestion. I appreciate you taking the time to explain your experiences and let us know of some of your prefered suggestions. I will make a note of your support for our enhancements board. 

Thank you both and have a great day!

Autum Brown, Education Manager

Hello Autumn,

I understand why you would want to put something like this in, and the reasoning makes sense. If hours were submitted without having to go to volunteer coordinators for approval, it would be a great addition.

However, the volunteer coordinators have the power to approve/deny hours. If they see that volunteers have already submitted hours for that shift, the remedy (again, already built in) is to deny the hours. Ultimately, the verification of hours is on the volunteer coordinators. In the rare instance where volunteers duplicate their hour entry, the volunteer coordinator should be the one to catch it.

This addition duplicates processes already on the site and externalizes the burden on the volunteers who use the site. This is a UX issue that didn't exist before to solve a problem that has already been addressed by the verification of hours by the organization managers.

Do I think that longer disable durations would solve the problem? Unless one of the options is to disable permanently, the problem will persist.

Thank you,


Please let me know when you implement this fix. I'm starting to get complaints from my volunteers as well!

Hi Nancy and Samantha, 

Thank you so much for adding your voice to the chorus! I will make a note of your support in our enhancements board, and we will update this thread of any changes. 

Thank you again, and I hope you have a wonderful Friday! 

Autum Brown, Education Manager

Same. I agree.

We expect people to log hours multiple times for ongoing needs. The pop up is confusing volunteers.

Yes, we are receiving complaints as well.

The hours submission and verification process is really all we need to prevent duplicate hours from being logged. This is unnecessary.


I 100% agree with this statement above. I have many older volunteers who volunteer with "on-going" volunteer opportunities and they are very confused and voicing their complaints about this. Also, as the volunteer manager, I also log hours that volunteers write on our sign in sheet as they do not use internet/ don't want to, and to have this pop up every. single. time. is a huge annoyance. When you have volunteers who log hours daily or for on-going needs especially, they are super confused when it says they've logged 1062.50 hours since Jan. 22, 2020 are they sure they want to log more. 

There needs to be a way to let the Administrators turn this off or at least take it off of ongoing hours. It's a too much.

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My frequent volunteers are annoyed by this pop-up too.  Please make it stop!!

Hi Everyone, 

The purpose and intent of the pop-up is to ensure that your data is as clean as possible. It displays the number of hours that were most recently logged and the date the volunteer said they did the hours. This information in the pop up tells them, yes I am logging new hours, or no, whoops! I am re-logging something that has already been logged. 

Our solution during the post-release iteration phase was to ensure that the intended mitigation of duplicate hours is still being resolved, while also providing a way to prevent the pop up for those users that are logging multiple hours entries for an ongoing need in a single sitting. 

We are hearing the feedback from some clients that the potential to know that duplicate hours are being prevented is not worth the extra click the pop up has brought to the process volunteers use to log their hours. We appreciate this feedback and have documented the request to add a site setting where each client site can choose to enable or disable the duplicate hours pop-up so that this can be considered in our enhancement processes in the future. Your feedback continues to help us make the product better. 

If there is a different solution you'd like to request, please let us know! 


Ali Pettigrew

Director of Customer Experience

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