A few updates for qualifications.

I've had a couple of agency managers ask me about exporting qualifications. From what I can tell, the only way an agency manager can see a volunteer's qualification response is by viewing the responses of each need and then clicking on the qualification of each volunteer. It would be wonderful if there was a way to export this information with the rest of the response export.

Additionally, I think the reason I've gotten these questions multiple times is in part because there is no solution article for agency managers related to qualifications. Whether an export option is added or not it would be helpful and a time saver if there was an article added about qualifications from the agency manager's perspective.

2 people like this idea

I agree, I can't really use qualifications on the site and have had to take them to a different site b/c my agency(program) managers can't access the info they need in a useable format. Clicking on them one by one is not a good option. Thanks!

Hi everyone,

Thanks for adding your insights! I did want to clarify, agency managers are able to view and get a list of users and qualifications on a need by need basis. This can be found in Select Agency > Needs Tab > Responses link for a given need within the table toggle. They can also export from this area the list:


However, I can see that in an Agency's Select Agency > Stats > Responses tab, there is not a column for Qualifications and it is not included in the export. I will add your thoughts to our notes as follows:

"The addition of a Qualifications column to the agency response stats export (Stats > Responses tab)."

I hope that covers what you need here! Alternatively, I wanted to add that if you need this data to be a certain formatting and show to your agency managers sooner than later, you are both welcome to reach out to support in regards to getting a custom report built on your site for your agency managers. Custom reports do come with a fee, but it is a great solution if you are needing more user data provided to your agencies.

Thanks again, let me know if I missed anything when it comes to your request here.


CX Specialist

she/ her

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