Streamline Team Join Link: Auto-Log In, Join Link to Top

Please simplify the team join link workflow. New users should be logged in automatically after making accounts, and after completing qualifications should be taken immediately to the join link, which should be located at the very top, or as the very first thing on the page.

Most of our volunteers are first-timers who come as members of large teams with reserved slots. The join link is often shared on an external site for the team. Currently, a volunteer must follow the join link three separate times to successfully make it through the full workflow to the "join team" button. Most do not.

Step 0) The team leader is given a team join link. The team leader cannot add volunteers who do not have accounts, or who have not signed waivers, due to the waiver qualification. So, each volunteer must register themselves using the join link, or just show up on-site the day of the event.

Step 1) Volunteer follows join link. Is prompted to make an account. Makes one. Is not logged in automatically.

Step 2) Volunteer is asked to sign in. Volunteer does not understand that they still must join the team using the same link.

Step 3) Volunteer is prompted to complete qualifications. Volunteer completes them.

Step 4) Volunteer is stuck on qualifications page. Must re-follow the link for a third time to reach team join link. (This may be unique to our page because we had one required qualification, and one optional which would keep the volunteer stuck there. I deleted the optional one for now)

Step 5) Volunteer reaches team join page, thinks to scroll to bottom, joins team. The "join team" button should be both at the top and bottom of the page. 

Roughly 1 of every 30 volunteers successfully makes it through this process, leaving us with a lot of data entry on our end. We can tell the volunteers to keep following the same link over and over until they see a join button, but most will not. 

Instead we either delete the reserved spaces right before a shift and try to have everyone use the kiosk, or manually data enter information for everyone after having them complete paper waivers and sign-ins. 

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1 Comment

Hi Amber,

Good morning to you,

Thanks so much for describing your issue and request in our forum! 

I believe the crux of your issue is when it comes to improving a user's experience with the Team Join Link. Your goal is that when a user completes their required Qualification, they are automatically taken to a page with the Join Team button.

Let me know if that sounds off base! Knowing this, I have added your thoughts to our current notes on the request to automatically redirect users from their My Qualifications area back to the need response page when following a Team Join Link, specifically when fulfilling auto-approved qualifications.

There was one piece I wanted to dig into with you more to make sure the software is working as expected, and it's where users need to log in again after initially registering (after following the Team Join Link). This sounds different than my tested experience in this workflow, so I am going to follow up with you on this in a ticket so look out for an email from me.

Thanks Amber, we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

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