This article is for site managers. It applies to all Galaxy Digital products, with some exceptions.

Your Connect site's standard automated notifications include messages related to user accounts and passwords. This article focuses on the following messages that go to volunteers:

Note: For information on automated notifications in Get Connected, see the article Automated Notification Messages. For an index of all notification messages, see Index of Automated Notification Templates in Get Connected.

Batch Password Reset Request

This message is sent when a site manager resets the password for multiple users in the user-management area (Volunteerism > Users). When a user's password is reset in this way, they will be sent a link to the "password reset" form so that they can reset the password to one of their choice. They are not sent a temporary password.

Note: To learn how to batch-reset passwords, click here.

By default, the Batch Password Reset Request template includes the following tags, or template keys:

Template KeyDescription (Text that replaces the key in the message)
to_firstnameFirst name of the recipient
to_lastnameLast name of the recipient
linkA link to the "password reset" form.
site_nameThe name of your site
signatureYour site's custom signature

New User Welcome Message

This New User Welcome Message goes to volunteers once they have completed their registration for your site. It is not triggered for users who are added by a site manager (i.e., from the site manager panel), or for users who are added to the site by team leaders signing up a team. It is sent only to users who have signed themselves up.

Click here to learn more about this message. Click here to learn more about welcome messages users who are added to a site as part of a team response.

User Deactivate Message

This message goes to a user when they deactivate their account. It includes a link to their current volunteer resume. This message does not go to a user when a site manager deactivates their account from the site manager panel.

By default, the User Deactivate Message template includes the following tags, or template keys:

Template KeyDescription (Text that replaces the key in the message)
to_firstnameFirst name of the recipient
to_lastnameLast name of the recipient
to_emailEmail of the recipient
resume_linkA link to the user's current resume
site_nameThe name of your site
site_linkA link to your site
signatureYour site's custom signature

User Password Reset Message

This message goes to a user who has clicked the Forgot Password link on the login page. It provides the user with a link to reset their password. It does not give the user a temporary password.

 By default, the User Password Reset Message template includes the following tags, or template keys: 

Template KeyDescription (Text that replaces the key in the message)
to_firstnameFirst name of the recipient
to_lastnameLast name of the recipient
to_idThe user's account ID
to_profileA link to the user's profile
to_emailThe user's email address
site_domainYour site's URL
site_nameThe name of your site
linkA link to your site
link settingsA link to edit the user's profile
signatureYour site's custom signature

Notification of Site-Manager Status

When a site manager makes someone else a site manager, this notification is sent to the new site manager. It includes information about the available Galaxy Digital resources to help them be successful. By default, the Notification of Site-Manager Status template includes the following tags, or template keys: 

Template KeyDescription (Text that replaces the key in the message)
to_firstnameFirst name of the recipient
site_nameThe name of your site
site_linkA link to your site
signatureYour site's custom signature