Adding Pictures to Comments section

Hi All, 

Wondering if anyone else would find it beneficial to add pictures to comment sections on Opportunities? We include written instructions on where to park in our comments section, but cannot find a way to add pictures there. 

Thanks for your input!

Hi Nicole!

That certainly clarifies things. I see how this could be useful and have shared it with our development team for implementation.

I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day,


Hi Kj, 

We use our comments section to send out reminder information, so having pictures included in this section would make it possible to send out pictures in reminders. We would include pictures of our parking spaces. This is helpful for our volunteers! 

I hope this clarifies things.

Hi Nicole,

Thank you for sending in your suggestion.

I wanted a little more information before sharing this with our Enhancement team. I looked on your site and saw that you include pictures within your Opportunity description. Do you mind sharing why it is important for you to be able to have pictures within Opportunity comments?

I look forward to hearing from you,


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