This article explains adding hours for an existing volunteer and including all details. If you have a long list of names and want to add minimal information on all of them, including people who may not already be in your system, you might want to read "I was handed a sign-in sheet. How do I enter those volunteers and hours?"

Volunteers can submit their own hours. If a volunteer is unable to do so, however, an agency manager or a site manager can submit hours on their behalf.

  • To learn how to submit hours as a volunteer, please see our article, "How to Log Your Volunteer Hours."
  • To learn how to submit a volunteer's hours for your agency, please see our article for agency managers, "Managing Volunteer Hours."
  • If you are a Site Manager and wish to submit hours on behalf of a volunteer, read on!

Note: With Volunteer Check-in, a tool available to both agency managers and volunteers, hours can be logged automatically based on check-in and check-out times.

Submitting Volunteer Hours (as a Site Manager)

In most cases, volunteer hours must be associated with a specific need response. If you want to log hours for a volunteer who does not already have an associated need response, first log the need response for them. Once the need response is there, you can then log the associated volunteer hours. Hours cannot be added for a need unless they are first associated with a need response.

Logging a Need Response on Behalf of a Volunteer

To log a need response from the Manager Panel:

  1. From the Manager Panel, go to Volunteerism > Responses to see a table listing all need responses on your site.
  2. Click the Add a Response button.
  3. Begin typing the need title into Need Lookup field. When the need appears in the dropdown, select it. Once you've selected it, it will appear below the field, as shown here:

    Note: A need does not have to be active in order to be displayed here.

  4. Begin typing the user's name into the User Lookup field. When the user's name appears in the dropdown, select it. Once you've selected it, it will appear below the field, as shown here:

    Note: A minimum of four letters is required. If a user's first name is only three letters, try typing the last name or the email address.

  5. Click Add User Response.

Once added, the user's response is shown in the table of responses.

Logging Volunteer Hours

To log volunteer hours on behalf of a volunteer:

  1. From the Manager Panel, go to Volunteerism > Hours to see a table listing all volunteer hours submitted on your site.
  2. Click the Add an Hour Entry button.
  3. Begin typing the user's name into the User Lookup field. When the user's name appears in the dropdown, select it. Once you've selected it, it will appear below the field, as shown in the image in Step 4 below.
  4. Begin typing the need title into Need Lookup field. When the need appears in the dropdown, select it. Once you've selected both the user and the need, they will appear below the field, as shown here:
  5. Under the Hour Details heading, complete the Date, Hours, and other fields as applicable.

    Note: If the agency manager has entered a duration for the hours, that number will appear automatically in the Hours field. You can override this number as needed.

  6. Select a User Group from the dropdown, if applicable.
  7. Under the Description field, type a description of the hours (optional).
  8. Click Submit Hour Entry.

The hours, user, and need data will now appear in the Hours table.