This article is geared toward agency managers using Version 2.0 or later.

As an agency manager, you can view and manage details about all need responses, including shift responses. You can also see how many slots volunteers have responded to each of your posted needs, as well as the total capacity for each need.

Viewing and Managing Response Data

View and manage response data from the Responses table of your agency management area:

  1. In your agency management area, click Needs.
  2. Beneath the need title, click Responses.

The Responses table lists volunteer names, teams (if applicable), eSign waiver status (if applicable), whether they are an adult or a minor, and need dates. Using the table filter, you can opt to view the volunteers' email addresses and the dates of the need responses.

You can perform the following tasks from this page:

In addition, you can adjust the table to view more (or less) related data.

Exporting response data to a spreadsheet

When you export response data, your Connect site generates a spreadsheet listing each volunteer's first and last name, team (if applicable), and email address, along with the need dates and times.

To export responses from the Responses table:

  1. Access the Responses table for the need, using the steps described here.
  2. Mark the check boxes next to the responses to export. To select all volunteers who responded, mark the check box at the top of the column.
  3. Click the Export Responses button (shown in the previous image).

The response export includes the following information:

  • Response ID
  • Date the response occurred
  • Need title
  • Initiative (as applicable)
  • Need or shift ID
  • Shift start date, start time, and duration (if a shift need)
  • ID of the person who agreed to the click-wrap waiver (if a waiver is involved)
  • Volunteer's first name, last name, email address, phone number, and any notes submitted when responding to the need
  • Team name and leader (if the volunteer is part of a team response)
  • Answers to any need-response or initiative questions specified by the site manager

Submitting hours on behalf of a volunteer

As an agency manager, you can submit hours for your volunteers. These hours show up in your Stats area and on the volunteers' résumés. From the responses table, you can submit hours individually (for a single volunteer at a time), or you can submit them in bulk.

Note: You can also submit hours from the Time Tracking area of your Agency Management Area. Click here to learn more.

Submitting hours individually

To submit hours for an individual volunteer from the Responses table:

  1. Access the Responses table for the need, using the steps described here.
  2. In the row of a volunteer, click the stopwatch icon.
    As shown in the image above, clicking this icon displays a field for adding hours, along with an Add button.

    Note: When posting a need, the agency manager indicates how many hours each shift will be. These default hours are shown in the field to the left of the Add button.

  3. To add the default number of hours, click Add. To override this number, type a different number into the field before clicking Add.

Note: Once you've added hours, you'll see a temporary "Hours Added!" message. To see how many hours have been submitted for a volunteer (either by themselves or by someone else), see the Stats area of your Agency Management Area.

Submitting hours in bulk

You can submit hours for multiple volunteers who have responded to a particular need. When submitting hours in bulk, you can only submit the default number of hours for the need. If you need to override the default, you should submit hours individually.

To submit hours in bulk from the Responses table:

  1. Access the Responses table for the need, using the steps described here.
  2. Mark the check boxes next to the names of the volunteers for whom you're adding hours. To select all volunteers listed, mark the check box at the top of the column.
  3. Click the Add Default Hours button above the table. You will see a message confirming that the hours have been added.

Note: To see how many hours have been submitted for your volunteers (either by themselves or by someone else), see the Stats section of your Agency Management Area.

Adding a volunteer response

To add a need response on behalf of a volunteer:

  1. Go to the Needs section of your Agency Management Area and scroll down to the Manually Add a Need Response area.
  2. Select the applicable need from the Select a Need dropdown. If applicable, select a shift as well.
  3. Type the volunteer's email address into the Volunteer Email field.
  4. Click Add Manual Response. You will get a confirmation message once the response is logged by the system.

Note: Need responses can only be added for volunteers with a user account. If a volunteer does not have a user account, they must create one before you can submit a need response on their behalf.

Removing a volunteer response

To remove a volunteer's response to a need:

  1. Go to the Needs section of your Agency Management Area and click the Responses link, shown beneath the need title.
  2. In the Responses table displayed, click the in the row of the response to delete.

Note: Removing a response triggers an email notification to the volunteer, informing them they they have been unregistered from the need or shift. In addition, if the need occurred in the past, removing a response will remove any associated volunteer hours that have been submitted.

Viewing data in the responses table

By default, the responses table displays the user name, team name (if applicable) start date, and a column for options (adding hours and deleting the response). To view more information (or less), click Table Filter. Under the Toggle Column Display heading, mark or un-mark columns as desired.

To close the filter, click the in the top right-hand corner (shown in image above).

Emailing Your Volunteers

To email volunteers who have responded to a particular need:

  1. Go to the Needs section of your Agency Management Area and click the Responses link, shown beneath the need title.
  2. Select the volunteers to message. Mark the checkbox above the left-hand column to message all volunteers displayed.
  3. Click the Message Responders button, then click Yes to confirm.
  4. Complete the Subject and Message fields of the form that is displayed.
  5. Click Send Email. You'll see a message confirming that the email has been sent.

Note: Because the message is being sent through the Connect platform, it will have a no-reply return address. This means that your recipients will not be able to reply to it. If you are expecting a response, you should provide an email address in the body of your message. Even if you're not expecting a response, you may want to clarify that the email is coming from a no-reply address.

Viewing Number of Need Responses and Total Capacity

To see how many responses you a need has received, as well as how many volunteer slots each need has:

  1. In your agency management area, click Needs.
  2. Click on the Table Filter, located just above the Manage Needs table on the right. This action displays all of the possible columns that can be displayed in the table.
  3. Mark the Total Capacity and Total Responses boxes to see the need capacities and total responses, respectively, for each need listed.

The table will now show those columns. In the example below, note that needs that don't have a capacity will show "Unlimited" in the Total Capacity column.