Click here to view a video on the benchmarks and badges for volunteers.

If your Connect site awards badges for reaching certain benchmarks, you'll receive an email with a shareable badge each time you reach a benchmark! You can view your benchmarks by clicking View Profile.

Badges also appear in your volunteer resume. In addition, you can click on a badge title in your profile to share the badge to social media.

When you first receive the email notification or in-app message that you've earned the required benchmark, you'll have options to share the badges to social media there also. 

How to Earn a Badge

Each benchmark on your site requires that you submit a certain number of volunteer hours within a specified time frame. On some sites, your hours may require agency approval before they will be considered for the benchmark.

To earn a badge, you must submit your volunteer hours promptly once you have completed your volunteer work. If you don't submit them within a month after the end of the benchmark's time frame, you will not get the badge, and the benchmark won't be added to your profile.

For example, if your site has a benchmark for 5 volunteer hours in the month of September and you complete your 5 hours on September 20, you'll need to submit those hours before October 20 in order to get credit (and a badge) for the benchmark.