Galaxy Digital's Customer Care team is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Armed with knowledge, resources, and a customer-centered approach, we are eager to help Connect site managers run their sites effectively. You can reach us by emailing or by clicking this link to open a new support ticket. (Psst ... you can find that same link on our Help Center's landing page, too!).

We operate an outbound support model, which means that there is no single phone number that you can call when you have a question. But that doesn't mean we don't love talking to our clients! If you would like to schedule a phone call, just let us know in an email! We'll ask for some details about what you'd like to discuss and, if we can't help you in writing, we'll schedule one of our Customer Care agents to call you at a time that is convenient for you. Our outbound model helps us to ensure that you speak with the person who is most qualified to meet your needs.

You can learn more about our outbound model below, and you can also take this fun quiz that gives more information on how Customer Care can help you. If you have further questions about how customer support works at Galaxy, just let us know ... in an email!