In order to meet Database 2 survey requirements, United Way organizations like yours will need access to reliable volunteer hours reports. The Reports area of your site offers a variety of readily-available reports (and tracking for these reports is built-in). These Excel-style reports are provided to help you to analyze data associated with volunteer hours, needs, agencies, and more. Not sure where to start? Here’s a list of our most common reports we think you may find useful: 

Reports for Building Strategy

  • Agency Activity: Find out which agencies are active on your site, and which could use some encouragement. (Be sure to run this report for the entire lifetime of your site to get all the data you need). 

  • Needs Summary: Learn which needs are getting the most--or least--responses. For needs that need a boost, why not post on social media or in your next email newsletter?

  • Agency Summary: Understand important data about your agencies, like which agencies are logging the most hours, and which are getting the most responses from volunteers. Use this information to get a sense of your high-performing partners and spotlight those who may need a boost. 

  • Top 50 User Groups Prospects: Do you have a lot of users with the same email domain (such as who don’t belong to a User Group? Let them know about the benefits of joining a User Group!

Reports for Increasing Impact

  • Responses Submitted by Interest: Learn what your volunteers are passionate about and where your volunteers are making the most impact. Share with your board, on your blog, and with your agencies to demonstrate how your volunteers are making a difference. 
  • Volunteer Hours Logged: This report can help you analyze what your volunteers are doing in the community. Each hours entry by a volunteer will appear in this report for a given date range. You use this report to understand which volunteer activity was most popular during the month of December, for example. 

Reports for Recognition

  • Volunteer Hours Summary: Learn how many hours each volunteer is contributing in a simple report format. Use this report to find your top volunteers and feature them on your site!

  • Need Responses Submitted by Agency: Use this report to view total volunteers who signed up to work with each agency. You can use this report to celebrate the agencies that are receiving the most need responses from volunteers. You can even interview them to find out how these agencies are engaging their volunteers!

  • Repeat Volunteers Totals: Use this report to determine how active your volunteers are. You can set seasonal goals for your volunteers to motivate and engage your volunteers. 

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