In response to COVID-19, you may have canceled many of your needs. So, we recommend you update your Get Connected site to reflect these changes and cancellations. 

How to Hide Needs in Bulk

Our Development Team will help you make all inactive needs Private. All users with future responses will be tagged. If you want to set canceled needs to Private, please email Support. We want to help you as efficiently and accurately as possible. So, before you email Support, please complete these tasks: 

  1. Add all of the needs that you want to keep open to a single Initiative. This will enable our Development Team to set all needs outside this Initiative to Private at once.  
  2. Make a note of the Initiative ID in your email to Support. 

Note: Setting needs to Private will hide them from the front end of your site, and will retain all of the responses and hours related to the opportunity. However, anyone that has access to the opportunity link can still respond to the private opportunity.

Support will tag any users with responses in the future so that you can communicate with users who were planning to volunteer prior to the opportunity’s cancellation.

Once you have (1) added your COVID-19 needs to the Initiative and (2) sent us the Initiative ID, we will take care of the rest!

How to Delete Shifts in Bulk

You may choose to cancel future shifts for shift-based or happens-on needs. Removing the future shifts will hide the needs from the front end of your site, and prevent any new volunteers from responding to or adding hours to shifts in the future. In addition, all responses and hours to past shifts will remain unaffected. 

Our Development Team can help you to deactivate future shifts in bulk. This will cause needs to “expire” on your site. If you want to delete future shifts in bulk, please email Support.

To ensure we can remove shifts for you efficiently and accurately as possible, please complete the following tasks:

  1. Add all of the needs that you want to keep open to a single Initiative. This will enable our Development Team to set all needs outside this Initiative to Private at once.  
  2. Make a note of the Initiative ID in your email to Support.
  3. Note the cutoff date for future shifts in your email to Support (all shifts after this date will be canceled).

Our Development Team will remove all shifts after the date you specify for all needs that are not a part of your open needs Initiative. 

We will tag any users with responses in the future so that you can communicate with users who were planning to volunteer prior to the opportunity’s cancellation.