Direct your volunteers toward COVID-19 pages and needs using your software’s Spotlights feature. To give the most prominence to your COVID-19 spotlight, we recommend setting all other non-COVID-19 spotlights to Inactive. This action will remove selected spotlights from the volunteer view but will provide you with the flexibility to reactivate quickly after the crisis has passed.

How to Deactivate a Spotlight

To set a spotlight to inactive, you’ll need to open your Manager Panel and navigate to Settings > Spotlights. In the Spotlights tab, scan the Manage Spotlights table to find the Spotlight(s) you’d like to deactivate. Click the title to open the Edit Spotlight page. 

Now that you’re on the Edit page, find the item labeled Active. Use the toggle to the right to turn this Off

The details of the spotlight are now hidden. If you toggle the Active field back to On, you’ll notice all your hard work remains. Once you’ve toggled Active to Off, you can click Submit Spotlight to save your work.