FEMA Aid for Nonprofits Affected by COVID-19

If your organization was called upon to fill roles above and beyond your normal activities in response to COVID-19, you may be eligible to receive reimbursement payments from FEMA. Those who are eligible include not only state and local governments, but also many private nonprofit organizations.


The best way to understand your eligibility is to get in touch with your FEMA regional point of contact. To find out more about this funding and to identify your point of contact, visit FEMA’s application process page.


Go to the FEMA Public Assistance page >>


While we are not able to directly help you with the application process, we can help you make sure you have the data you need to apply.

Gathering the Right Data

We have put together a downloadable, one-page PDF guide to clarify what pieces of data you need to collect for your application. 

Get the Guide >>


We've also created a new report referenced in the guide that automatically compiles some of the information you will need for your FEMA application. You can find the report in the Reports section of your site dashboard.

As the FEMA reimbursement application guide suggests, you’ll need more information than what is in the FEMA report on your Get Connected site - but the report is a good starting point.