This article is for site managers of a Connect site. It does not apply to agency managers.

Need to reach out to the volunteers who responded to a certain need? Maybe the weather has forced a rescheduling, or they'll need to meet at a different address. With the email blast and user filter, you can easily shoot an email to those volunteers. Here's how:

  1. From your site manager panel, go to Communication > Email Blast to open the email blast tool.
  2. Click User FilterĀ to open the user filter.
  3. Run a filter on Volunteer > Need Response > has responded to and select the need in question. Here's an example for a filter on volunteers who have responded to the need titled "Trail Maintenance."
  4. Click Submit to filter the list.
  5. Complete the applicable email fields, including the subject line and message. Click here to learn more about these fields.

If you know you'll be sending additional emails to this group (for example, if you'll need to follow up with details about a change in venue), you can save the filtered list. Simply give the list a name and click Save User Filter. For more detailed instructions, check out our article on the email blast.