This article pertains to agency managers of Get Connected sites. 

Your agency management area provides several opportunities to view data and export it to a spreadsheet. From this area, you can export the following data:

Viewing and Exporting Selected Needs

The Needs section of your agency management area lists all of your agency's active, current needs.

To export data for one or more needs, mark the boxes for the needs to export, and then click the Export Needs button.

The resulting .csv file will be generated automatically, and it will contain the following information

  • need ID
  • need title
  • indication of public or private ("0" if public, "1" if private)
  • need description
  • date type (e.g., happens on, recurring shifts, etc.)
  • date (For shift needs, the export will show the date of the final shift.)

Note: To export expired needs, click the Show Expired button above the need table. You can then check off expired needs and export them the same way you can with current needs.

Viewing and Exporting Need Responses

Your agency management area includes several different ways to export need responses:

Responses within a Date Range

To view and export need responses within a date range:

  1. From your agency management area, click Stats to open your Stats page.
  2. Select a date range under the Agency Stats heading and click Submit Date Range. The default date range is the past month.
  3. Scroll down to the Active Need Responses table, which lists all active need responses within the date range you specified, and click Export Need Responses.

The .csv file will be generated automatically, and it will contain the following information:

  • Response ID and date
  • Need title, shift ID, shift start date and time, and shift duration
  • Volunteer first and last name, email address, phone number (if provided), company (if provided), address (if provided), and notes (if provided in the need-response form)
  • Team name and team leader (team responses only)

Note: To learn more about the Stats section of your agency management area, see Viewing Agency Statistics.

Responses to Selected Needs

While your Stats page will give you an export of all need responses within a date range, your Needs page offers the ability to export responses for one or more selected needs. To export, first click on the check boxes next to the desired needs, and then click the Export Responses button.

Because need-response exports are often large and take more time to generate, you'll be prompted to provide an email address where you'd like the export to be sent, Once you've provided your email address, the export should arrive in your inbox within the next minute or two. The export will included the following data: 

  • Response ID and date
  • Need title, shift ID, shift start date and time, and shift duration
  • Volunteer first and last name, email address, phone number (if provided), company (if provided), address (if provided), and notes (if provided in the need-response form)
  • Team name and team leader (team responses only)

Note: To learn more about managing your agency's needs, see Posting and Managing Your Agency's Needs.

Responses for a Single Need

You can use the method described above to export responses for a single need--just click on the individual need before clicking the Export Responses button. Another option is to click the Responses link under the need title on the Needs page. The window listing all of the responses to the need includes an Export Responses button, and the resulting export will list responses for that need only.

Viewing and Exporting Approved Volunteer Hours

To view and export approved volunteer hours within a date range:

  1. From your agency management area, click Stats to open your Stats page.
  2. Select a date range under the Agency Stats heading and click Submit Date Range. The default date range is the past month.
  3. Scroll down to the Active Need Hours table, which lists all active need responses within the date range you specified, and click Export Hours.

The .csv file will be generated automatically, and it will contain the following information:

  • date volunteered
  • need title
  • answers to any custom questions
  • hours description (as entered on the hour-submission form)
  • check-in and check-out times
  • source (i.e., how the hours were entered, and by whom)
  • volunteer name
  • volunteer email address
  • user group(s) associated with the hours
  • team information (as applicable)
  • anonymous-hours information (as applicable)

Note: To learn more about the Stats section of your agency management area, see Viewing Agency Statistics.

Viewing and Exporting Selected Events

The Events section of your agency management area lists all of your agency's active, current events.

To export data for one or more events, mark the boxes for the events to export, and then click the Export Events button. The resulting .csv file will be generated automatically, and it will contain the following information:

  • event ID
  • event title
  • event description
  • indication of whether it's an all-day event ("0" if no, "1" if yes)
  • start date
  • end date
  • status

Note: To learn more about managing events, see Posting and Managing Your Agency's Events.

Viewing and Exporting RSVPs for Selected Events

If your agency posts events with RSVPs on your Connect site, you can export a list of all of the RSVPs for one or more events. To do so:

  1. From your agency management area, click Events.
  2. Mark the boxes of the events whose RSVPs you wish to export.
  3. Click Export RSVPs.

The .csv file will be generated automatically and will contain the following information

  • event ID
  • event date
  • event title
  • respondent first and last name
  • respondent email
  • RSVP status (yes, no, or maybe).

Note: To learn more about managing events for your agency, see Posting and Managing Your Agency's Events.