The Spotlights and Image Rotator sections appear on the front-end of your Get Connected site. You can use these visual components to promote needs, partner agencies, anything! Learn best practices for keeping your site looking fresh and engaging.

Regularly Review and Update Your Images

The Image Rotator and Spotlights features are a great way to enliven your site’s home page and draw attention to upcoming events, exciting initiatives, or agencies you want to feature. To keep your site fresh and up-to-date, we recommend creating a schedule to regularly review and update your Spotlights and Image Rotator. Your Spotlights and Images can feature current needs, initiatives, videos, or online newspaper articles celebrating your United Way. Mark your calendar to review these features once per month, or after an initiative ends, to keep volunteers engaged with your site! 

Want to learn how to update your Spotlights? Click here. And your Image Rotator? Click here.

Create Visuals for a Need or Initiative

Use the image rotator to promote a specific need or initiative so they’re easier to find! Create an eye-catching image and add a bit of text to invite users to learn more. You can apply a link to the image, so when one of your volunteers clicks it, they’re led to a separate page, like a need or initiative page on your site. And it’s simple to add a link! When in the Image Rotator editor (in Site Settings), just type (or copy and paste) the target URL into “Target URL” field:

This is a fun image of a need located in the Image Rotator (linked to the need page, of course): 

And an effective Spotlight may look something like this:

Need Some Inspiration?

Not sure what to include in your Spotlights? Here are a few ideas to get you started: 

  • Volunteer of the Month Custom Page: Create a custom page that celebrates your most dedicated volunteers (your site’s reports will let you know which volunteers have logged the most hours and responded to the most needs). Link to this page in your Spotlight to encourage volunteers to log their hours!

  • Agency of the Month Custom Page: Show your most active agencies some appreciation. Feature an agency each month and include a little more information about the agency (why not include an interview with the program manager, photos, and popular needs?). 

  • Badges Competition Custom Page: United Way affiliates like yours are great at engaging volunteers. So why not invite a bit of healthy competition? Volunteers can earn badges through your site for logging hours. A badges competition reminds volunteers to log their hours and especially encourages your younger participants.  Think of a creative name for your competition, like “United Way’s Annual 100 Hour Dash.” Spotlight your competition to bring a bit of fun to your site--all for the sake of good!

Learn more about creating Custom Pages for your Get Connected site here

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