A site manager can set up a qualification where volunteers can be automatically approved based on the volunteers’ correct answer. When creating a qualification requiring this kind of answer, the Site Manager must select Auto approve if the correct answer is selected.
NOTE: The Site Manager also can select Auto approve when setting up a qualification (instead of Auto approve if correct answer is selected). Auto approve will automatically accept any response given by the volunteer and automatically assign the user Qualified status.
Field Type and Questions
When creating a new Qualification or updating an existing Qualification, the Site Manager can select an option beside Type based on the type of field offered for the user’s response. The Site Manager can select one of six options, each of which can be auto-approved. However, only two options enable Auto approve if the correct answer is selected. See the table below:
Note that Auto approve will automatically approve the volunteer as Qualified. If the Site Manager wants to only auto-approve correct answers, they must select either the Dropdown or Radio Botton field type. Jump to Using Auto Approve for a Correct Response for more details.
Here are some examples of Qualifications that may have auto-approved answers:
Do you speak Spanish Fluently?
Please provide a photo of your driver’s license.
Are you willing to travel more than 20 miles to volunteer?
Using Auto Approve for a Correct Response
The Site Manager can choose to Auto approve only correct responses. When Creating or Editing a Qualification:
2. On the Manage Qualifications page, click ADD NEW QUALIFICATION
3. Click the Type field dropdown to view the options for response fields. Select either Dropdown or Radio Button.
4. Enter the Title, create a Question, and provide the Options you want volunteers to choose from when submitting their Qualification. (Each option must appear in its own line, as indicated in the image below. Separate each option by pressing “Enter” on your keyboard.)
5. When Auto approve if the correct answer is selected is chosen, the Correct Answer field appears. Select the correct response based on your options.
6. Continue to the end of the form by selecting Permissions and Duration. When finished, click CREATE QUALIFICATION.