User tags are a tool that you can use to quickly filter volunteers by specific keywords that you've assigned to them. These keywords can help you keep track of users that you've tagged so that you can quickly email them, review their data as needed, or even schedule them in bulk! This is a great alternative to creating a filter, since the filter can change as new users are added to your site! With a User Tag, you can create your own curated lists that only change when you add or remove the tag from selected users. 

So you know: User Tags are private and only accessible to Site Managers.

How do I create a custom user tag? 

There are some automatic user tags applied in the system to users—like, when a user is imported an automatic tag is applied to that user with the date they were imported, e.g., May-1-import. However, you can also create your own custom User Tags to apply to specific users! 

How to add a custom user tag to selected users

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users2. Filter the users you want to apply a custom user tag to with the User Filter

3. Select Add/Remove Tags from the Select An Action dropdown. 4. Type the custom User Tag you want to add. 5. Click Update Tags to save your changes! 

  • Now you have a curated list of users with that custom User Tag that you can filter for whenever you need to! 

So you know: You follow the same steps to remove a tag, but select Remove the following tag from the dropdown before you type the tag and click Update Tags