Whether sending out email blasts or customizing your automated notifications, you'll see the option to insert template keys. Template keys help streamline the process of writing your communications. In this article, we cover: 

What are template keys? 

Template keys are a great way to experience your site's automation benefits while still personalizing your messages! For example—if your template key says First Name—it automatically replaces it with the recipient's first name. To insert a template key into an email blast or automated notification, click in the message field where you want it to go and then click the template key you want to insert there!

✅ Best practice: Please only click the template key to insert it. 

  • Here's what it looks like when you're inserting the template keys into an email blast: 

  • Here's what it looks like to the volunteer when they receive that email: 

 So you know: This is how template keys work in automated notifications as well. Wherever you insert a template key, it automatically populates with that information in the message sent to your volunteers! 

Can I edit them? 

You can't edit template keys. Trying to edit a template key alters its code and won't populate correctly in the messages. Template keys should only be inserted into your messages—from there they'll automatically populate with the intended information. 

What do they do?   

Now that we've covered what template keys are, we'll look at what some of them do. These are some of the more commonly used template keys. You'll see these as options to insert into messages when creating email blasts or when customizing automated notification templates: 

Template KeyDescription
{{agency_contact}}This inserts the name of the individual listed as a contact under Contact Information for a Program. 
{{agency_email}}This inserts the email address listed under Contact Information for a Program.  
{{agency_id}}This inserts the Program's ID. 
{{agency_name}}This inserts the name of the Program. 
{{agency_phone}}This inserts the Program's phone number. 
This inserts the volunteer's donation amount. 
{{benchmark_date}}This inserts the Benchmark's date. 
{{benchmark_image}}This inserts the Benchmark badge. 
{{benchmark_name}}This inserts the name of the Benchmark. 
{{calendar_links}}This shares links to the calendar for assigned shifts. 
{{checkin_link}}This shares a link to check-in. 
{{company_name}}This inserts the company name. 
{{contactEmail}}This inserts the contact's email address. 
{{contactFax}}This inserts the contact's fax number. 
{{contactPhone}}This inserts the contact's phone number. 
{{count}}This inserts the number of something—e.g., number of pending items that need review. 
{{doc_title}}This inserts the name of the Advanced Event—e.g., DOC = Day of Caring. 
{{donor_cc_last4}}This inserts the last four numbers of the donor's credit card. 
{{event_date}}This inserts the date the Event takes place. 
{{event_description}}This inserts the Event's description. 
{{event_id}}This inserts the Event's ID. 
{{event_link}}This shares a link to the Event. 
{{eventName}}This inserts the Event's name. 
{{event_title}}This inserts the Event's title. 
{{excerpt}}This inserts a blog excerpt. 
{{from_email}}This inserts the sender's email. 
{{from_firstname}}This inserts the sender's first name. 
{{from_lastname}}This inserts the sender's last name. 
{{from_phone}}This inserts the sender's phone number. 
{{from_userid}}This inserts the sender's user ID. 
{{from_username}}This inserts the sender's username. 
{{hour_date_added}}This inserts the date the hour was added. 
{{hour_date_start}}This inserts the start date for the volunteer hours. 
{{hour_date_updated}}This inserts the date the volunteer hours were updated. 
{{hour_description}}This inserts the description for those hours. 
{{hour_hours}}This inserts the specific hours for an Opportunity—e.g., the hours that were rejected. 
{{hour_miles}}This inserts the miles submitted for those hours. 
{{initiative_message}}This inserts the Initiative message. 
{{items}}This inserts a list of pending items. 
{{joinLink}}This sends an invitation to join link. 
{{level}}This inserts the level of background check the user has submitted—only for Sterling Volunteers. 
{{link}}This template key is found in a few automated notifications and inserts the link associated with that message.
  • For example, in the User Imported Message notification template, this is the link to the user's new profile on the site. 
{{linkEvent}}This shares a link to an Event. 
{{link_settings}}This shares a link to the user's edit profile page. 
This shares a link to a survey. 
{{loginLink}}This shares a login link. 
{{manage_user_link}}This shares a link to the Manage User area for a volunteer. 
{{manager_firstname}}This inserts the site manager's first name. 
{{manager_email}}This inserts the site manager's email. 
This inserts the site manager's last name. 
{{message}}This inserts a message into the body of the notification—e.g., the weekly digest. 
{{minor_name}}This inserts the name of a minor awaiting guardian or parental consent. 
{{need_address}}This inserts the physical address where the volunteer Opportunity is to take place. 
{{need_city}}This inserts the city where the volunteer Opportunity is to take place. 
{{need_comment}}If you have written any private comments on an Opportunity, then this template key shares those comments. 
  • Comments are private and only shared between site managers. 
{{need_date}}This inserts the date that the Opportunity is scheduled for or expires. 
  • This includes the date and time for non-shift Opportunities (e.g., Happens on, Ongoing). 
{{need_description}}This inserts the description you created for the Opportunity when you made that Opportunity. 
{{need_id}}This inserts the volunteer Opportunity ID. 
{{need_link}}This inserts the link to the Opportunity on your site. 
{{need_postal}}This inserts the ZIP Code for a volunteer Opportunity. 
{{need_state}}This inserts the state where the volunteer Opportunity is to take place. 
{{need_title}}This inserts the title of your Opportunity. 
{{password_reset_link}}This inserts a link to the password reset form. 
{{pin}}This inserts a PIN that the user can use to log into the mobile app for sites that use SSO. 
{{projectAddress}}This inserts the Advanced Event Address. 
{{projectAddress2}}This inserts the Advanced Event Address. 
{{projectCity}}This inserts the Advanced Event City. 
{{projectState}}This inserts the Advanced Event State. 
{{qualification_name}}This inserts the Qualification's name. 
{{qualification_needed}}This inserts the name of the Qualification needed. 
{{qualification_title}}This inserts the qualification title. 
{{recipient_domain}}This inserts the recipient's domain. 
{{registerLink}}This shares a link to register. 
{{registration_closed_date}}This inserts the registration closed date for an Opportunity. 
{{reset_password}}This shares the rest password link. 
{{response_link}}This shares a link to the Opportunity response. 
{{resume_link}}This shares a link to a resume. 
{{sharing}}This inserts social media sharing links for a Benchmark a user has achieved. 
{{shift}}This inserts the shift for an Opportunity. 
{{shift_end}}This inserts the date/time a shift ends. 
{{shift_start}}This inserts the date/time a shift starts. 
This inserts the scheduled shift times for an Opportunity. 
  • This includes the date and time for Opportunities with scheduled shifts (e.g., Custom or Recurring Shifts). 
{{signature}}After you've created a signature in the Notifications area of your site, this inserts that signature where applicable. 
{{site_domain}}This inserts your site's domain name, e.g., awesome.galaxydigital.com. 
{{site_link}}This inserts the link to your site. 
{{site_name}}This inserts your site's name. 
{{site_supervisor}}This inserts the name of the individual you've assigned as a site supervisor for an Opportunity. 
{{site_supervisor_email}}This inserts the email address for the individual you've assigned as a site supervisor for an Opportunity. 
{{site_url}}This inserts your site's URL. 
{{team_creator_first_name}}This inserts the first name of the individual that created the team. 
{{team_creator_last_name}}This inserts the last name of the individual that created the team. 
{{teamleader_email}}This inserts the team leader's email address. 
{{teamleader_first_name}}This inserts the team leader's first name. 
{{teamleader_last_name}}This inserts the team leader's last name. 
{{team_name}}This inserts the team's name. 
{{timestamp}}This inserts a timestamp—e.g., the time a donation is submitted. 
{{title}}This inserts the title. 
{{to_email}}This inserts the recipient's email address. 
This inserts the recipient's first name. 
{{to_id}}This inserts the recipient's user ID. 
{{to_lastname}}This inserts the recipient's last name. 
{{to_password}}This inserts the temporary password for the recipient to use if they're a new user or an imported user. 
{{to_profile}}This inserts the link to the recipient's profile. 
{{to_userid}}This inserts the recipient's user ID.
{{to_username}}This inserts the recipient's username. 
{{user_email}}This inserts the user's email address. 
{{user_fname}}This inserts the user's first name. 
{{user_lname}}This inserts the user's last name. 
{{volunteerSupervisor}}This inserts the volunteer supervisor's name.