This article is for Connect platform site managers. For related articles, see Other Helpful Articles below.

What is a Question Type?

A question type really refers to the format of the answer you want to receive. There are four main types of answers you can collect for qualifications:

  • Volunteer types in an answer
  • Volunteer selects an answer from a list
  • Volunteer uploads a file
  • Volunteer eSigns a waiver

The following question types are available for obtaining volunteer qualification information. Data for all qualifications (other than waivers) can be collected as part of the registration process. Waiver eSignatures can be collected via the volunteer's My Qualifications area of their profile, or in the process of responding to a need that requires a waiver. 

Note: Check box question types are not allowed for qualifications. To learn why, see this forum post.

Small text fieldFor open-ended questions; user types in a brief answer. Question appears inside the text box.
Large text fieldFor open-ended questions requiring an answer of more than a few words. Question appears above the text box.
DropdownOptions shown in a dropdown list; user can select only one.
Radio buttonUser clicks a round "button" to select an option; can select only one.
File UploadAvailable for qualifications only; volunteer uploads a file. Click here to learn more.
WaiverAvailable for qualifications only; volunteer opens and signs an electronic waiver using eSign technology. Click here to learn more.

Adding a Content Link

Any of these question types can be associated with other content. For example, you can have volunteers view a video or read a PDF document prior to signing a waiver or answering a question. This field is entirely optional and will not apply to all qualifications.

The field for adding a content link is at the bottom of the Create Qualification page.

  1. Toggle this option to ON to open additional fields.
  2. Paste you link in the URL field. This can be any external link: a video, a document, or a website.
  3. Add a title to the link. This title is what will appear as a clickable link to the volunteer when they are completing the qualification.

Creating Questions

Questions are created in the Manage Qualifications area. To access this area, go to your site manager panel and click Volunteerism > Qualifications, and then click to add or edit a qualification.

To create a qualification question:

  1. Type the text of the question into the Question field.
  2. Select a question type.
  3. If an additional field appears (this will happen for dropdown, radio button, and waiver question types only), completed those fields as applicable; see the table above for guidance.
  4. After completing all other fields on the form, click the button to create or update the qualification.
    Important: To ensure that your data is uniform, try not to change a question once users have begun entering answers.

More detailed information on this form, and on qualifications in general, is provided in the article Managing Qualifications.

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