Heads up! This article is intended for site managers

Would you like to create private user notes that are only visible to you, other site managers, and advanced program managers with access to the user's profile? You can with the Notes area of a user's profile! Here we cover: 

So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place. This means you may see Programs in place of Agencies, Opportunities in place of Needs, or even Prerequisites in place of Qualifications. Contact us if you'd like to request language overrides for your site.  

Why use private notes? 

Notes are a great way for you to communicate important or sometimes sensitive information about a user with your fellow site managers. Advanced program managers for the programs the users are assigned to can also view user notes. Notes can be used to: 

  • Communicate important details about a user—i.e., restrictions, limitations, strict schedules, etc. 
  • Note if a volunteer is a repeat offender for responding to Needs and not showing up to them. 
  • Highlight a volunteer that's excellent to work with or who shows leadership qualities. 
  • Mark additional certifications, licenses, or skills that a volunteer has outside of the default and custom ones used on your site. 
    • User tags are another great option for marking these qualities for a user if you want to be able to search or filter by the tag—click here to learn more. 
  • Mention if a user is very active on social media platforms and that they might be a great person to ask about sharing their experience working with your organization on their socials!

These are just a few suggestions of how you can make the Notes area work for you. Notes are a great feature and you can use them however best suits your workflow. 

So you know: Private notes are only accessible to those with access to the user's profile—i.e., site managers and advanced program managers overseeing programs the user is assigned to. Notes are not visible to the user. 

How to access a user's Notes area

To get to the Notes area of a user's profile: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users

2. Select the user's name you wish to add a note for. 

  • You may need to search for the user by name or email first. 

3. Click Notes

  • Here you can add or review private notes for that user. 

How to add a private note

To add a private note: 

1. Click Add Note

2. Type your note in the Enter note field. 

3. Click Save Note when you're done. 

How to edit a private note

To edit a private note: 

1. Click the pencil icon under the Options column in the table. 

2. Edit the note field. 

3. Click Save Note to save your changes.

  • Not quite ready to make an edit to the note? No problem! Just click Cancel to close the window.

  • You can always return to edit the note at anytime.

How to delete a private note

To delete a private note, just click the X under the Options column for it. 

  • A warning pops up asking you to confirm your selection—click Yes to delete the note or No to cancel.