User Group Leader Message

There needs to be a User Group Leader notification message template.

2 people like this idea

Hi Josie, 

Thanks for posting! Can you tell me a little bit more about this email you'd like User Group Leaders to automatically receive? When would they receive it and what would you like it to say? 

Happy Thursday!


1 person likes this

I agree! User group leaders should receive an automatic welcome email as soon as they are designated as a user group leader. The message should include basic instructions on how to navigate user group leader features - adding/removing members, generating reports.

Hello Brooke!

The suggestion here is to add a notification sent out to a designated user group leader and the message would include instructions on user group leader features from how to add/remove members and how to download a user group report. I think this is a fantastic  and very user friendly idea and I look forward to sharing this with the team as I can see how this can benefit both site managers as well as the user group volunteer leader's experience in managing a group!

Please let me know if there is anything I'm missing here and have a wonderful day!

All the best,


Great! I would include any other instructions/tips the user group leader might need to know. For example the join questions and reflection questions. Or are those only accessible by site managers?


Hi Brooke,

Great question! Yes, you're correct, the join questions and reflection questions would be set up by the site manager creating the user group.



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