Permanently Delete Users / Spam Registrations

Although we have a CAPCHA on our website, we still receive spam registrations weekly which are skewing our monthly registration data.

We deactivate all spam registrations but they still show up in our data.

It would be great to have the option to PERMANENTLY DELETE users in order to prevent them from skewing data. 

2 people like this idea

Hi Jessica, thanks for reaching out! I can definitely see why you would want to keep these users out of your reporting. I will be sure to bring this up in our next enhancement meeting so that we can come up with the best way to empower our site managers to deal with spam/fake accounts. 

Thanks for all that you do!

this never seems to have happened as I am having the same issues now.

Hi Camille,

Thanks for voicing your concerns here! Currently, there is not a way for Site Managers to permanently remove spam accounts from their site (mainly, you are only able to set them to inactive or deactivate them).

That being said, I had added your vote towards this request.

In the meantime, if you have spam or test accounts you need removed from your site, please reach out to and we can get our Development team to delete those for you.

Thanks again,


CX Specialist


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