Better language when using custom response questions

We just started using custom response questions as a way for people to self-screen for covid. (It's not a perfect system, but at least it requires people to answer the questions and be mindful of not signing up for a shift if they have symptoms or if it's risky.)

When doing so, it changed the way that volunteers sign up for opporunities, leading them to a page with language at the top that CANNOT be changed (according to Galaxy support.) This language reads: "Thank you for your response to this opportunity. Please fill out the form below so that we can share your interest with the program that posted this opportunity. They will receive an email with your contact information and will reach out to you shortly."

Galaxy REALLY needs to allow me to change (or remove) this language. The way this is written, it makes it sound like volunteers are not able to sign up for an opportunity, and that all they can do is wait to hear back in an email after they've answered the response questions. This is NOT what we want to convey... nor is it how the system is actually set up.

Volunteers ARE still able to sign up for the opportunity, as long as they fill out the 'form' (i.e., the custom response questions) as they're doing so. I feel that this language muddies the whole process, and makes it sound like volunteers cna't sign up on their own without an email response. 

Things are confusing enough as it is. Can we change (or remove) this language to make things more clear?

Hi Jill, 

Thank you for writing in! I talked with our Head of Communication and Education here at Galaxy Digital and he agreed we should broaden the language. It has been replaced with the following: 

I hope you had a nice weekend!


Awesome, thank you! That better reflects how the process actually works and makes more sense!

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