Option to make volunteers visible


For our private volunteer events, the only way to let the team leader/organizer see who has signed up is to make the whole event a team, but to me this seems like an unnecessary level of potential confusion and comes with addition email notifications (regarding teams). 

Instead, what if the site manager had the option to make the volunteers visible inside particular shifts or opportunities?


- Holly

1 Comment

Hi Holly, thanks for reaching out! It sounds like the idea here is to add a feature where the site manager can control whether each individual shift is accessible by teams, in addition to the current ability to switch this on and off for the whole need. 

I am curious about where the friction is for the team leaders, can you tell me a bit more about what you are hearing from them? Is it difficult for them to access their team roster, see when they are scheduled for, or see other information? Are they having difficulty responding to certain shifts? 

I appreciate your feedback!

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