Main Font Color Change Option, Separate from Primary/Secondary Colors

Hi All! 

I'd love to be able to change or set the font color on the site separately from the Primary/Secondary accent colors. A lot of our volunteers have said they use the calendar view to see what opportunities are available, and when I looked at it recently I realized that it's a bit hard on the eyes with our primary color as it is. I'd love to keep the icons colored according to our color scheme, but have the text in black or another dark, more legible color. The site does this automatically on most pages, even other views within the opportunity section (see second photo), but not the calendar view for some reason. It'd be awesome to be able to set one common font color that is consistent across the site for all text. I could fix this by making the primary color black or dark brown, but I don't want to lose the branded color in all the other places that it's currently used on the site. 


^^Font color is same as icons/primary color, hard to read and a bit abrasive. 


^^Font color is legible, while icons are still colorful and fun


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1 Comment

Good morning Grace,

I saw that you posted a product suggestion in our forum, so I thought I would reach to collaborate with you about it. Just to communicate, my goal in reaching out is to be able to make sure I fully understand your suggestion, so that I can post an official product suggestion to our internal team and our internal product suggestion board.

Just to make sure we're on the same page, it seems like you would like to be able to set the main font color on your site separately from the Primary and Secondary colors on your site. So for example, let's say your Primary color is green, and your Secondary color is blue, you would like the ability to change the font color to a color of your choice separate from the Primary and Secondary colors on your site is that correct?

Thanks, Grace, I look forward to your feedback. Once I get a thumbs up from you on this, or after we edit a bit, I'll go ahead and post it to our internal board!

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