Using Galaxy Digital as a Community Engagement Database

I recently saw an old forum thread about a dropped attempt at a Salesforce/CRM integration, and I'm wondering if there are any other software integrations in the works currently. Specifically, with a platform like Collaboratory, which is a public database system of community engagement and public service activities at higher education institutions. Does integration with a system like that exist already? If not, could it exist? 

Related, are any site managers trying to use Galaxy Digital as a database for their organizations' community engagement? Does that seem like an appropriate use of this system, even though it's not created for that purpose? I'm envisioning having all our various community engagement organizations/nonprofits listed as agencies but then not all of them will be posting volunteer opportunities if that's not their organization's purpose or relationship with our institution. However, that feels like a bit of a stretch to use Galaxy Digital in such a way, and I'm curious if others have done/do something like this already. 

Thanks for the feedback!

1 Comment

Hi Nikki, thank you for reahing out! We don't currently have any CRM integrations, but it is always helpful to hear what CRM's people are using and would like an integration with, so I appreciate you taking the time to ask here! I will make sure to add Collaboratory to the list, and bring it this to the team in our next enhancement meeting. 

For your second question, I'd be happy to look into this for you, and if I can find any sites that are set up this way, I will reach out to the site manager and ask if I can connect them with you. 

Have a great day! 

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