Notifications to Managers

Good morning!

We have several programs in the system and it would be wonderful if the notifications to the manager wouldn't need to all be bulked under 1 umbrella. For example: our Public Packing program we don't need to see/track responses and it floods the inbox. There are only select programs that we would like to be notified for but currently that is not an option.

Thank you!

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Hi Carynn,

I hope you’re doing well, and thank you for sharing your thoughts and idea! I have added “the ability to control the specific Programs that receive each individual Program-specific automated notification” to our list of product suggestions, and will make sure to discuss this with the rest of the team. Please let me know if I have captured this correctly, and if not I’ll be happy to make some tweaks to my communication of the suggestion!

Have a great day!

Cirũ Franklin


Galaxy Digital Customer Experience

Data Specialist

Pronouns: She, her, hers







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