map on dashboard

Due to the fact our projects are very spread out, I would like to be able to replace the map on the volunteer dashboard for another spotlight.  I don't believe at this point we can get rid of the map.  It would be helpful to do so.

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1 Comment

Hi Greta,

Thank you so much for this suggestion!

Does this explanation fully capture your request:

A new setting to give a site manager the ability to replace the volunteer dashboard map for a Spotlight banner. The goal here is to appeal to those organizations that might have spread out projects that do not have a specific location and to draw attention to projects or announcements for logged in volunteers.

For users that are not logged in (or seeing the main page before logging in) would you want this banner to show as well? 

Let me know if there is anything I’m missing or details you’d like to share about this suggestion.

Thank you!

All the best,


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