Merge duplicate volunteer profiles

This is an old topic but I want to know if there has been more discussion about merging duplicate volunteer profiles. We often have a volunteer that creates more than profile which creates a bit more work for me in tracking our needs. 

Having the option to merge volunteer profiles would be really helpful; is this something on the horizon?

1 person likes this idea

Hi Amber, 

Happy Friday, and thank you for reaching out! I want to make sure that I recommend the best solution for you here, so I'm going to reach out in an email so we can talk about the specifics of what you're trying to do here

I hope you have a great weekend!

Autum Brown, Education Manager

I would love to know if this is a possibility. I have volunteers who were created new accounts in our Get Connected system before their data was imported from our old one. It would be so much easier to be able to merge their information together instead of having either two active accounts or having to deactivate one of the accounts. 

Hi Severina,

We are definitely able to help you with user account merges in cases like this -- please feel free to send an email into for more information and assistance.



CX Specialist

she / her

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