Waivers - Bulk download option

Currently, if a site administrator needs to download completed waivers, each waiver must be downloaded individually. There is no option to bulk-download completed waivers.

Our institution requires all student volunteers to complete waivers annually. They also require that these waivers are compiled and submitted to our HR office in bulk, so they can't just live on our volunteer website. 

Downloading each of these waivers individually would take a massive amount of time. 

It would be wonderful if the data team could develop a means for site administrators (as well as those with agency accounts) to sort/filter and bulk-download completed waivers.

3 people like this idea

1 Comment

Hi Cody,

Thanks so much for adding this request to our forum! I understand how downloading waivers in bulk could be very helpful for many of our organizations we serve, and will add this request for our team to review at our next meeting.



CX Specialist


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