Save User Filters and Email Templates as Program Managers


We have a large group of program managers that are new to their dashboards and very interested in using the Email Blast tool. We know that Site Managers have the ability to save User Filters and Email Templates for their work. It would be very valuable for our Program Managers to have those capabilities as well. One example would be an email reminder to add their volunteer hours to blast on a weekly or monthly basis. Another example would be an easily accessible email to inform their volunteers of the monthly support sessions to connect with other volunteers about their experiences.

Let us know if you have any questions. 

Thanks for your support!

-Seth Anderson 

1 person likes this idea

Hi Seth,

Thank you so much for taking the time to post in the product suggestion forum! 

When I add this suggestion to the team notes I will include your examples as well. To fully understand your request, I do have a clarifying question: are you suggesting the ability to edit and save automated notifications or the ability to save and schedule email blasts?

Please let me know if I missed anything in your request. Thanks, Olivia.

Hi Olivia, 

We're suggesting the ability for Program Managers to save and schedule email blasts. 




Thank you so much for the clarification, I will be sure to add the following suggestion to our team notes for discussion: 

"The ability for Program Managers to save User Filters, create and save E-Mail Templates, and schedule E-Mail Blasts."

Please let me know if I missed anything here!

Thanks, Olivia

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