Automatically set status of qualifications to "pending" if they click the content link


It would be nice if there was some way to automatically set a qualification to "pending" status if the user clicks the link to the content associated with that qualification. I spend hours each month going out of my way to ensure those who missed the button get their background checks reviewed and approved for their profile.

Thank you!

1 Comment

Hi Nick, 

Thank you for adding this product suggestion! I appreciate the example you have shared and the impact this has on volunteer experience of submitting qualifications and your time as a site manager. To ensure I am capturing the desired outcome you are looking for from this suggested enhancement, is this a good summary of your request?

If a qualification has a content link and the user clicks on the content link, the qualification status will automatically be changed to pending, even if the user has not submitted the qualification. 

Please let me know if this is an accurate summary of your suggestion or if I have missed the mark and how I can adjust it to capture your desired outcome. I will then add this item to our list of enhancements to review!

Thank you and hope you have a wonderful day!


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