Edit Shifts option

Hi all,

I would appreciate an option to edit all shifts on the menu below. I am aware that I can click on the name of the opportunity (to the left, but out of this screen grab) but then I'd need to click on Edit Shifts. If the option appeared here it would speed things up.


Thanks for your consideration.


Hi, Cody,

Thanks for posting here. To confirm, you'd like to suggest an additional option when viewing the shifts from the scheduling tool to "Edit All Shifts?" To make sure I'm capturing the correct essence of the request, would you like to update all shift options from this area or just things like capacity and number of hours?

Thanks for the clarification!


Maia Price (she/her)
Customer Success Manager
Get Connected by Galaxy Digital

Hi Maia,

The Edit All Shifts link would go to the page/tab pictured below:


This would give quick access to make multiple updates and/or add shifts.



Hi, Cody, 

Thanks for following up here! I'll add this to our enhancements review to add an additional option when hovering over a shift in the Scheduling Calendar view that takes the site manager to the Edit Shifts tab of the opportunity.


Maia Price
Customer Success Manager

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