Switch Unaffiliated Users to a Team without duplicating

I would like to be able to easily move users on a shift into a team without duplicating the registration. We often have teams reserve spots and some of their team will register individually, not using the team spot. When I add them to the team, it duplicates the registration. If I delete their other registration, it automatically sends them a notice their registration was cancelled and they get confused. 

VolunteerHub allowed us to move current registrations to a reserved team spot without duplicating their registration and I had the ability to not send the volunteer a notification. 

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Good morning Liz, 

Thank you for adding your suggestion to the Forum! I will add the following suggestion to our enhancements board for our development team to consider: 

"Create the ability to move an individual response into a team response without having to create a new team response and delete the old individual response." 

Thank you for adding your suggestion, and I hope you have a great day!

Autum Brown, Education Manager 

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