Total Rows in Custom Reports - Displayed On-Page

Hi team!

Custom reports currently don't allow for total rows within the page. We suggest adding the capability for a custom report to include a total report on-page.

A use-case example:

We have a custom report that we use to both get a count of unique volunteers who have served within a time range, and the total hours served within that time range. A column in the report allows us to see the count of unique volunteers at a glance. But, in order to find out the total hours, we have to export to Excel. Including the total row on-page would save a step and make our reporting more efficient.

Thank you!

1 Comment

Hi Chris, thanks for writing in! I have added your request to our list of enhancements to review and will bring it up to the team in our next enhancements meeting. We appreciate your feedback! 

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