Fix Rotator Image management

The process to upload and manage images is either broken or could be enhanced:

1. Uploading a file from the PC means the User has to > Click Upload Image > Select the Image > Then press "Add New Image". It's not very intuitive for UI design, as the "Add New Image" button is actually positioned away from the upload image button. Further, if the User has already selected the image, why do they need to press another button? It would be easier if the picture was uploaded as soon as the User selects the Image.

2. In the data grid below, there are only the columns "Image" "Target URL" "Delete".  There needs to be an "Image Name" column. If I am uploading a lot of pictures, it's easier to know what I've already uploaded by looking at the name.

3. Why is there a 2mb file limit? It would be better if the image just gets compressed automatically after the user uploads the image


1 Comment

Hi Laurence,

These are all wonderful requests to put towards our image rotator feature. I agree that it can be improved for better user experience, and could be better streamlined. Each of these items definitely benefit all of our clients! 

I have made a note on this for our team to review at a future Enhancements meeting. 

Thanks again for these insights,


CX Specialist


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