Branching Logic

We would like to ability to add more options throughout the platform. For instance, adding yes/no options throughout the platform that take you through different tracks.

Hello, Kris!

Thank you for reaching out with your suggestions! I wanted to get a little more clarification about your request. Are you trying to include conditional user registration questions that require users to answer yes or no questions while registering on the site? Or are you envisioning this enhancement in other areas of the site? This is to help me better understand any gaps you’re seeing that we can share with our development team as an enhancement request. Thank you!

Best Regards, 


Yes, we are trying to include conditional user registration questions and the waivers to present users with the correct waiver based on their geography. For instance, we use tracks to separate teachers who request volunteers from actual volunteers, so it would be helpful if the registration questions had some sort of logic that will take users to the right track.

Hi, Kris!

Thank you for reaching back out and providing further clarification about your product suggestion! I will go ahead and share your suggestion with our development team for discussion. 



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