Hour Ranges for SLM Leader Portal

I have been using the SLM Leader Portal to offer our student organizations more reporting & roster management access. It is not perfect because they could potentially approve their own hours, but I just tell them not to touch it. I use "ongoing" as the block so that there is continuity across officer changes and semesters. . 

It would be AMAZING if when the Group Leaders went to Hours they could filter by dates since they are not assigned to a block. Currently the Hours pulls up all hours ever submitted to their User Group even if those members are no longer on their roster. They have to export, sort by date, then delete old entries in order to get an accurate list of their members' hours for the semester. This is cumbersome and also creates confusion for new officers when they see really old hours when they first pull up that screen. 

1 Comment

Hi Christy, 

Thank you for adding your suggestion! I am hearing a few different suggestions on how to improve SLM on the software. To make sure I'm not missing anything, I've summarized the requests below. 

  • Don't allow SLM Leaders to approve their own volunteer hours
  • Allow SLM Leaders to filter by date in the Hours page so that SLM Leaders are only seeing the total hours for their semester

On that second point, I did want to mention that SLM Leaders can enable a Date Worked column in the Hours table. When they go to SLM Leader Portal > Hours and click on the Table Filter, they can check the box next to Date Worked: 

When this is checked, they will be able to see the date that the opportunity was logged with by their users. They can also choose to show soonest first or last using this filter. 

Let me know what you think!

Autum Brown, Education Manager

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